With the application and popularization of the advanced driving assistance system (ADAS), the reliability and stability of ADAS have become its research focus. +is article presents a car testing framework for ADAS reliability and stability. Its special suspension has been designed, verified, and optimized in real vehicles according to its working conditions. First, the structure and working principle of the testing platform vehicle are introduced. +en a simulation model is built in MATLAB/Simulink based on the dynamic equation to verify the working characteristics of the suspension. Experimental vehicle tests are conducted for simulation verification purposes. During the analysis, the root-mean-square (RMS) values of vehicle body displacement and dynamic tire deflection are considered evaluation indices. +e nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is used to optimize the damping, stiffness, and installation position of the suspension system. +e findings demonstrate that the specially designed suspension in this article can fulfill the test criteria. Compared with the optimized suspension performance, both the vehicle body displacement and dynamic tire deflection have decreased roughly by 17 and 40%, respectively, which significantly improves the suspension performance and provides a reference for the future designs of testing platform vehicles.